Can You Get a Data Analyst Job Without a Degree?

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Written By Billy Chan

A UK-based senior data analyst with a journalism background. Passionate about teaching others how to become data analysts.

Becoming a data analyst can be a fulfilling and lucrative career choice. However, many people may believe that it’s only achievable with a computer science or data-related degree. The truth is, there are paths to becoming a data analyst without a data-related degree or even without a degree at all. In this article, we’ll explore both possibilities.

As someone who successfully landed a data analyst job without a data-related degree or experience, I can attest to the fact that it’s possible. In my case, I held a degree in journalism and spent four months searching for a data analyst position. I eventually secured a role and have been happily working as a data analyst ever since. So, whether you have no degree at all or a degree that seems unrelated to data analysis, there may be a way for you to break into this field.

While having a data-related degree can give job seekers an advantage, it is not always necessary. Some industries, such as finance, healthcare, and retail, tend to require a data-related degree for data analyst roles. However, many companies in industries such as marketing, e-commerce, and technology are more interested in your skills and experience rather than your degree.

That being said, not having a data-related degree can be a disadvantage when applying for data analyst jobs. You may have a harder time getting past the initial resume screening process or landing an interview. Hiring managers may also prefer candidates with a data-related degree, as it shows they have received formal training in the field.

Pursuing a data-related professional certificate is a brilliant step towards building a foundation in the field. A highly recommended option is the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate available on Coursera. This program is designed by industry professionals and equips learners with the key concepts and tools used in data analytics. You can read how I got my first analyst job in six months by completing this certificate.

Building a Portfolio

In order to showcase your practical ability, consider building a portfolio with at least three projects that demonstrate your skills in SQL, Tableau and Excel. Each of these tools has its unique place in the data analytics toolkit; SQL for data manipulation and querying, Tableau for data visualization, and Excel for spreadsheet management and basic data analysis. A portfolio that reflects your ability to use these tools effectively will help substantiate your competence to prospective employers.

General analysis projects are widely available on various YouTube channels. I recommend Alex The Analyst and Andy Kribel, who are both excellent online coaches providing valuable resources for portfolio projects. Alex focuses on data analytics as a whole, while Andy specializes in Tableau skills.

Mastering SQL and Tableau

To master these tools, take advantage of the myriad online resources that offer in-depth, practical tutorials. Websites such as YouTube, Coursera, and LinkedIn Learning offer free courses that can help you acquire excellent SQL and Tableau skills. The aim is to not just learn these tools but to achieve a level of expertise that will set you apart in your field.

Acquiring Basic Statistics Knowledge

A fundamental understanding of statistics is critical for any data-related role. Statistics is the backbone of data analysis; it’s how you make sense of the data, draw conclusions, and make predictions. It also helps you stand out from the candidates who normally only possess programming skills but not math knowledge.

A reliable resource to acquire this knowledge is LinkedIn Learning. I highly recommend this series of Statistics Foundations courses offered by Eddie Davila. I have personally taken all four levels in the series, which has massively improved my analytical skills.

Can You Get a Data Analyst Job Without a Degree at All?

Degree credentials can sometimes be perceived as a testament to an individual’s dedication and proficiency in a specific field. However, the emphasis on degrees is gradually shifting towards skill-based hiring, which is good news for those without a traditional academic background.

Read the Job Description Carefully

When reviewing a job description, it’s important to carefully examine the entire document to understand the requirements and preferences of the employer. Here are some steps to help you determine whether a degree is required for an entry-level data analyst position:

Check the “Education” Section

Most job descriptions will have an “Education” section where the necessary educational qualifications will be mentioned. If the job requires a specific degree, it will be mentioned here. Look for phrases like “Bachelor’s degree in…” or “Graduate degree preferred”.

Most importantly, look for phrases that hint at educational flexibility. Some job descriptions might state “Degree or equivalent experience” which suggests that relevant work or practical experience can substitute for a formal degree. This is often the case for positions that value skills and experience over formal education.

Check the “Preferred” or “Desired” Qualifications

Some jobs may list a degree as a “preferred” qualification rather than a “required” one. This means that while a degree would be nice to have, it’s not strictly necessary and candidates without a degree will still be considered.

Observe the Job Responsibilities and Required Skills

If the job responsibilities and required skills seem to be highly technical or specific to a certain degree program, it may indicate that a degree is necessary. However, if the responsibilities and skills are more general or could be learned through self-study or on-the-job experience, it might suggest that a degree is not strictly required.

Many employers value hands-on experience and specific skill sets over formal education. These can include proficiency in SQL, Tableau and Excel, understanding of data analysis methodologies, ability to interpret complex datasets, and strong communication skills to translate findings into actionable insights.

Contact the Employer or HR

If the job description is ambiguous about the necessity of a degree, don’t hesitate to reach out to the employer or the HR department for clarification.

Remember, while a degree can be a common requirement, many companies are increasingly open to candidates who have acquired the necessary skills through non-traditional routes such as bootcamps, online courses, or self-study. If you can demonstrate that you have the necessary skills and a willingness to learn, many employers will consider you even if you don’t have a formal degree.

Using LinkedIn for Research

LinkedIn is an invaluable resource when it comes to understanding the hiring landscape of specific companies. By studying the profiles of junior data analysts at your target company, you may find that not everyone holds a degree in the field.

Compensating for the Lack of a Degree

Without a degree, you will need to showcase a compelling set of skills and experiences. A data-related professional certificate, like the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate, can provide a strong foundation. Additionally, mastering tools like SQL and Tableau is crucial. It’s also beneficial to earn an industry-related professional certificate that aligns with your area of interest, such as a finance or content production certificate. You can find a lot of industry-related certificates on Coursera.

Creating a portfolio of projects that are specific to the industry you’re interested in can demonstrate your competence and commitment. Make sure these projects leverage relevant industry datasets to show a tangible connection to the field you’re targeting.

Example of a Retail-focused Data Analyst

If you’re aiming to work as a data analyst in the retail industry, you might develop a project where you analyze customer purchasing patterns using a dataset from a simulated retail store. You could show how to segment customers based on their purchasing behavior or predict future sales trends based on historical data. By demonstrating your ability to interpret and leverage this data, you can show potential employers that you understand the dynamics of the retail industry.

Example of a Healthcare-focused Data Analyst

For someone looking to work in healthcare analytics, a good project could involve analyzing anonymized patient data to identify common risk factors for certain diseases or using machine learning to predict patient readmissions. This not only showcases your technical abilities but also your understanding of relevant healthcare concepts and regulations, such as patient privacy and HIPAA regulations.

Example of a Finance-focused Data Analyst

If your interest lies in finance, a potential project could involve analyzing stock market data to build a predictive model for stock prices or analyzing loan application data to predict the risk of default. Such a project could show your ability to work with financial data and your understanding of important financial concepts, demonstrating your readiness to work in this industry.

In all of these examples, the key is to showcase your technical data analysis skills while also demonstrating a clear understanding of the industry you’re aiming to work in.

Tailored Applications and Interviews

In your cover letter and CV, emphasize your relevant skills, certifications, and experience. Show how these can benefit the company and the role you’re applying for. Also, ensure you’re well-prepared for the interview. Research the company, the job role, and if possible, your interviewers. This will not only help you answer questions accurately but also demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role.

The Cost of Success in Data Analysis: Degree or Determination?

Data analysis, being a relatively new and dynamic field, is continuously evolving. Traditional higher education institutions often struggle to keep up with the rapid pace of change. While universities are beginning to offer degrees in data analysis, their curricula often lag behind the latest industry techniques, tools, and trends.

The High Cost of Formal Education

A degree in data analysis or a related field can come with a hefty price tag, often exceeding $30,000. This investment can lead to a substantial financial burden for many aspiring data analysts, who may be left wondering if the cost is justified.

The Value Proposition of Online Learning

Enter online learning, an alternative that is not only financially viable but also content-rich. The internet hosts a wealth of learning resources for aspiring data analysts, with numerous courses, tutorials, and bootcamps available at a fraction of the cost of a degree. Many of these programs are created by experienced professionals who are actively engaged in the field, ensuring that the content is current and relevant.

Learning by Doing: The Benefit of Project-Based Learning

Furthermore, these online platforms frequently offer project-based learning, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world data sets. This hands-on experience is invaluable, fostering practical skills and providing a tangible body of work to present to potential employers. The cost-benefit ratio of such opportunities is highly favorable when compared to traditional degree programs.

Employer’s Perspective: Degree vs. Skills

The view that a degree provides a significant edge over non-degree holders in the field of data analysis is increasingly being challenged. Many employers prioritize practical skills and problem-solving abilities over formal qualifications. The ability to interpret data, derive insights and inform decision-making often overshadows the value of a degree.

Demystifying the Difference: Data Analysis vs. Data Science

It’s crucial to distinguish between data analysis and data science. While both fields are interconnected, data science is more advanced and generally requires a strong mathematical or statistical foundation. Conversely, data analysis focuses on interpreting data and informing decision-making, skills that can be effectively learned without a degree.

The Balancing Act: Degree and Financial Prudence

So, does this render a degree in data analysis worthless? Not necessarily. Degrees offer a structured learning environment and a broad foundation of knowledge. However, the financial investment required to obtain a degree does not guarantee superior results in the industry. By combining online learning, practical projects, continuous self-study, and a genuine interest in data, you can become a proficient data analyst without the heavy financial burden of a degree.

In the fast-paced, dynamic world of data analysis, the value of a degree is being redefined. The financial implications of pursuing a degree are substantial, making it a less desirable option, especially considering the wealth of affordable or even free resources available online. What truly matters for success in this field is a dedication to learning, a passion for data, and the ability to apply analytical skills to real-world problems. In the end, determination might just be the most valuable asset on your journey into data analysis.


Entering the realm of data analysis is not exclusively gated by possessing a degree. On the contrary, the path towards becoming a data analyst can be uniquely crafted by each individual based on their circumstances.

By leveraging online learning platforms and acquiring hands-on experience through project-based learning, one can develop a robust skillset in data analysis. The ability to master tools like SQL and Tableau, comprehend basic statistics, and build a portfolio that demonstrates these skills is integral to securing a role in this dynamic field.

As the traditional emphasis on formal degrees shifts towards a skill-based hiring approach, aspiring data analysts should not be dissuaded by their educational background. Instead, the focus should be on demonstrating practical skills, acquiring relevant certificates, and showcasing a clear understanding of the targeted industry through tailored applications and industry-related projects.

In the face of the considerable financial burden often associated with obtaining a degree, self-driven learning and perseverance can be instrumental in forging a successful career in data analysis. It is, therefore, critical to pursue your passion for data analysis fearlessly, regardless of your educational background, as the industry increasingly values skills, dedication, and determination over formal qualifications.

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