Is it Easy to Become a Data Analyst?

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Written By Billy Chan

A UK-based senior data analyst with a journalism background. Passionate about teaching others how to become data analysts.

Data has become the fuel driving many of the world’s most successful businesses, making data analytics a highly sought-after skill. If you’ve considered transitioning into this exciting field, you’ve likely asked yourself, “Is it easy to become a data analyst?” I’m here to answer that question for you.

As a self-taught data analyst who switched careers and moved into the field, I can tell you that it is a journey filled with learning, challenges, and immense satisfaction. Let’s delve deeper into what becoming a data analyst entails, including the necessary steps, the challenges, and the strategies for overcoming them.

Understanding the Role of a Data Analyst

Before we explore the difficulty level, let’s understand what a data analyst does. In the simplest terms, a data analyst collects, processes, and performs statistical analyses on large datasets. They discover how data can be used to answer questions and solve problems, guiding business decisions with informed insights.

However, the role of a data analyst isn’t just limited to number crunching. A significant part of the job involves interpreting and presenting these data insights in an easily understandable form to stakeholders. Therefore, it’s a blend of technical, analytical, and communication skills.

Data Analyst vs Other Professions: A Surprising Comparison

Comparing various occupations can give you a better understanding of the skills required, educational path, and challenges each role entails. This can be particularly helpful when deciding which career to pursue. Let’s examine how becoming a data analyst compares to other professions like a data scientist, computer engineer, programmer, lawyer, doctor, and teacher.

  • A data analyst typically collects, processes, and performs statistical analyses of data. Their primary goal is to discover how data can be used to answer questions and solve problems. Unlike many other roles, it’s possible to become a data analyst with no prior experience in the field. You can acquire the necessary skills through various online courses and certifications, and practical experience can be gained through internships or personal projects. This makes becoming a data analyst in the UK and the US relatively straightforward compared to the other roles we’ll discuss.

  • A data scientist, while also working with data, is a more advanced role that often requires a strong foundation in statistics and machine learning, as well as programming skills. They not only analyze data but also build predictive models and machine learning algorithms. Becoming a data scientist typically requires more specialized education and experience compared to a data analyst.

  • Computer engineers and programmers design, build, and maintain computer systems or write code for software applications and systems. Both these roles require a robust understanding of computer systems and programming languages, often obtained through a degree in computer science or a related field and considerable hands-on experience.

  • A lawyer in the UK or the US must undertake years of intensive study and training, including obtaining a law degree, passing the bar exam, and often, further specialization within the field. This path requires a significant investment of time and resources.

  • The path to becoming a doctor is even more rigorous, involving a bachelor’s degree, medical school, and then several years of residency training. The process can take over a decade and requires a high degree of commitment and perseverance.

  • Teachers, depending on the grade level they wish to teach, usually require a degree in education or in a specific subject area. In addition to the academic preparation, they must also complete teacher training programs and obtain a state-issued certification or license.

Considering these professions, it becomes apparent that becoming a data analyst is arguably the most accessible, particularly for individuals with no prior experience. The field of data analysis offers the opportunity to enter a rewarding and in-demand profession with less formal education and training required than many other roles. This, combined with the availability of numerous high-quality online learning resources, makes it a highly attainable goal for those interested in a career change or just starting in their professional lives.

The Journey to Transition – Is It Easy to Become A Data Analyst?

To become a data analyst, you typically need to follow these steps:

  1. Educational Background
    Having a bachelor’s degree in fields like statistics, mathematics, economics, or computer science can be beneficial. However, as someone who transitioned from a non-technical field, I can affirm that a relevant degree isn’t an absolute necessity.

  2. Learning Essential Skills
    Data analysts need to be proficient in analytical skills, programming languages (Python or R), SQL, and data visualization tools like Tableau or PowerBI. You can acquire these skills through various online courses and certifications.

  3. Gaining Experience
    Practical experience is vital for securing a job as a data analyst. This can be acquired through internships, freelance projects, or even working on personal data projects.

  4. Building a Portfolio
    A portfolio showcasing your data analysis projects can serve as proof of your skills and experience, giving you an edge over other candidates.

Is it easy? Well, it requires effort and commitment, but with the right approach and resources, it’s absolutely achievable.

Challenges in Becoming a Data Analyst

Like any career transition, becoming a data analyst can be challenging. Here are a few common challenges:

  1. Learning New Tools and Languages
    Getting to grips with programming languages and data analytics tools can be tricky initially.

  2. Understanding Complex Data
    Data analysts often deal with complex datasets and need to derive actionable insights from them.

  3. Explaining Data to Non-Technical Stakeholders
    Data analysts also need to be adept at translating their technical findings into easily understandable insights for stakeholders.

Overcoming the Challenges

Despite the challenges, you can certainly navigate your way through with these strategies:

  1. Structured Learning
    Follow a structured learning path that gradually builds your skills and understanding.

  2. Practice
    Apply what you learn through real-world projects, internships, or personal projects.

  3. Join Communities
    Join online data analytics communities, participate in forums, and network with other data professionals.

My Personal Journey: A Rewarding Challenge 

Let me share my own experience. As a journalist for 10 years, I had amassed a set of skills and experiences that I didn’t initially think had anything to do with data analysis. Numbers, to me, were somewhat alien, partly because I didn’t interact much with them in my journalism career, and partly because maths was never my strongest suit. When I decided to transition into data analytics, I feared my lack of mathematical prowess and technical knowledge would hinder my progress.

However, the transition wasn’t as challenging as I had expected. Why? Because I realized that as a journalist, I had unknowingly built a robust foundation of the most important skills a data analyst needs—effective communication and storytelling. These skills enabled me to present complex data insights in an easily understandable manner and made my transition into data analysis smoother than I could have anticipated. 

My journey taught me that anyone, regardless of their background, can become a data analyst. You might be surprised to know that many skills you already possess can be directly or indirectly applied to data analysis.

The art of data analysis is not confined to maths or programming; it’s a multifaceted discipline that appreciates and demands a variety of skills. Let’s look at how professionals from different fields can bring their unique perspectives to data analysis:

  • Teachers
    A teacher’s ability to explain complex concepts in an understandable way is a direct fit for data analytics. Just as they break down difficult subjects for their students, they can break down complex data insights for stakeholders. Plus, their experience in planning and organizing can be highly valuable in managing datasets and projects.

  • Engineers
    Engineers are already equipped with a strong technical and analytical background. Their problem-solving mindset, attention to detail, and experience with logical thinking can be incredibly useful in interpreting data and finding patterns.

  • Nurses
    You might be wondering how a nurse can transition into data analytics. Well, nurses are skilled in observing patterns, managing numerous data points (like patient vitals), and making data-driven decisions, all of which are crucial in data analytics.

  • Marketers
    In their roles, marketers often deal with data related to market trends, consumer behavior, and campaign results. They are experienced in deriving insights from this data to shape their strategies. This experience can be directly applied to a data analyst role, where making data-driven decisions is a part of the daily job.

  • Salespersons
    Sales roles involve understanding customer behavior, which involves examining patterns and trends—an essential part of data analytics. Salespersons are also skilled communicators, often having to explain complex products or services to potential clients, a skill that’s valuable in presenting data insights.

In essence, data analysis is not about your past, but your future. Regardless of where you come from, your unique skills and experiences can contribute to your success as a data analyst. And yes, while the journey will undoubtedly present its challenges, don’t be daunted. Remember, every problem you solve only adds to your skill set and brings you one step closer to becoming a proficient data analyst.


So, is it easy to become a data analyst? The answer is subjective. It depends on your current skill set, your ability to learn new skills, your dedication, and your passion for the field. While the journey has its challenges, it’s far from impossible. With the right mindset and resources, anyone can successfully transition into a data analytics career and enjoy the rewards that come with it.

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